Saturday, January 15, 2011

Commercials - Wrong Place, Wrong Time

iPod Commercials on MTV? Great!
Diaper commercials on the Lifetime Channel? Brilliant!
Candy commercials on Disney? Awesome!

But when you put Metamucil and AARP commercials on G4, a channel dedicated to video games, scantily clad women, and action movies? Thats bad marketing. Trying to sell a Jitterbug phone on a channel decicated to the coolest and newest technology? Thats just plain stupid.

I see this all the time. Companies that don't know who their target market is and how how tor reach them through popular media. Are teenage boys going to buy an AARP membership, stool softeners, and jitterbug phones? No!

I'd love to hear from you guys - have you ever seen an ad placed in a media channel that made absolutely no sense for the brand? 

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've seen any commercials on the wrong channel lately. But it sounds like those companies that don't know their target market need to expand their market research department.

    That's funny that that Jitterbug phone commercial was shown on channel for newer and cooler technology. I would think that commercial would be shown on ABC, NBC, Fox, or any other channel like those and be played during the news at night or during the day between soap operas.
